Tiger R Zone Super

Image from a
member of the Ebay community
in 1996, the
R-Zone Super Screen was larger than the Xtreme Pocket Gear and was
more of a table-top unit rather than a small handheld. The Super
Screen was packaged with Battle Arena Toshinden as the pack
in game (came in both box and blister packaging). One major difference
of the Super Screen over the Xtreme Pocket
Gear and the Head Gear was that a
color slide could be used (only available with certain games such
as Panzar Dragoon) to "add color". The unit had
to be lit for this to function and the system utilized 4 C batteries
and a small bulb. The screen of the system was adjustable and was
also magnified. The screen could be adjusted to magnify more or
less and to allow more light in for the screen.
many ways, the R-Zone series was a glorified Tiger
pocket game. Both were based on LCD screens, but the R-Zone
was able to have changable cartridges.

Tiger R-Zone Game:
R-Zone Slide for the Super Screen to add color to the play field,
Clear Game Sleeve, R-Zone Cartridge